UK Lure Series
The UK's up and coming one stop shop for exciting fishing competitions, supported by some of the biggest brands and fishing tackle shops in the industry. Monthly and Yearly competitions available for all to enter with massive prizes!

About UK Lure Series
What is UK Lure Series?
The UK Lure Series is a set of lure specific angling competitions held throughout the UK.
Anglers will have access to a yearly league where the winner will be decided by the overall combined length of 4 species of predatory fish.
What will the prizes be?
Yearly League Series; (11 month league starting May each year – exact dates may change each year)
The overall Yearly League winner will receive a £1000.00 in Cash!!!
Prizes will also be awarded for longest fish for each category, ie longest Perch, Pike, Chub & Zander.
In the unlikely event there is a draw at the end of the yearly league, the Angler who has submitted their catches to the UK Lure Series first will be crowned the overall winner!!!
When are the competitions held?
Yearly League Series Competition is open all year round and anglers can submit their catch reports as soon as they have signed up and been entered into the league!
What are the UK Lure Series formats?
Yearly League – The biggest fish from each category will count, Perch, Pike, Chub and Zander are the target, whoever ends with the longest combined will win the league.
What are the Yearly Competitions?
The Yearly League is a flexible fish any time style league where entrants may submit catch reports across the whole competition season (31st May to 31st March), the total length of the top 4 species will be combined, angler will be crowned the winner who has greatest overall combined fish length.
How are catch reports submitted?
The entrants will need to upload a photo as proof of their catch on the day of catching the fish, this can be achieved via the “Submit Photo” button.
See Rules for more details
What's needed on the day?
Yearly League Series: As above but with your Yearly ID Code.
PDF and Word documents will be sent once signed up with a card template that can be used when capturing photos.
How should catches be measured?
Catches must be submitted laying flat on the tournament measure with the nose of the fish up against the base plate of the tournament measure, any measure starting tail first will not be counted. All fish must be measured in centimetres.
Is there a limit on how many catch reports I can submit?
No, you can submit as many catch reports as you wish throughout the day, the catch report that’s the largest will be the one that is counted.
How do I enter into a Series?
You can enter the Yearly League Series by clicking the “Book Now” button at the top of the page or use the drop down.
The Yearly League Series can be booked anytime, however, entries will only be processed each Monday of the week, this will allow the UK Lure Series team to ensure the each entrant will have a welcome pack.
How much is entry?
Entry to the Yearly Series will be £15 per entry, this cover you for the whole year.
Is there a cut off for entries?
The Yearly League can be entered at any time, however, please do your best to plan ahead to enter as membership in the league cannot be processed with short notice and will be done in the evenings on the day you have entered.
Where can I fish?
You may fish any UK water system that allowed permissible fishing, this includes rivers, lakes, canals, drains and reservoirs. All local and national bye laws must be followed.
Who are the Sponsors behind these events?
We have two types of Sponsors; Our Headline Sponsors who have got behind the Yearly League competition, these are all big brands that are well known in the lure fishing scene, so a massive thank you to Spro Freestyle, Z-Man, Headbanger Lures, LMAB, Molix, Savage Gear, St Croix Rods & Favorite Fishing
For more details please visit the Sponsor’s Page.
1. Teams
Anglers must be fishing solo, team specific events will be arranged differently.
2. ID for catch
Your unique ID numbers must be shown in the photo when submitting a catch report, catch reports will not count where this is not clearly visible!
3. Date of entry
Entries of catch reports must only be submitted on the dates of the competitions, any entries outside of these dates will not qualify.
4. Minimum fish size
There is no minimum fish size.
5. Maximum fish size
There is no maximum fish size.
6. Location of catch
All catch reports entered must have been caught by fly or lure on UK soil ONLY.
7. How fish are caught
Only fish caught by the mouth can be entered.
8. Photo quality
A photo of good quality must be submitted of your catch with a visible measure along the full length of the fish in centimetres, with the head of the fish touching the “zero” with your unique ID also clearly visible.
9. Photo of lure
Photos will ideally show the lure of which the fish was caught on.
10. Measuring tapes
Tournament measuring tapes only and must be laid flat. Ideally the image will be take left to right with the fishes mouth at the left of the photo.
11. Approved measuring tapes
Tournament measuring tapes are the only approved device to be used when measuring fish, NO unhooking mats measures to be used, photos submitted with unhooking mats will not be counted.
Tournament measuring examples are; Spro Freestyle, Gunki, Westin, Shimano
12. Measuring on unhooking mats
The use of measuring tapes printed on unhooking mats is not allowed, however you can lay a measure on top of a unhooking mat.
13. How to measure catch
The measurement recorded is the total length, from the nose to the tip of the tail.
14. Measuring increments
Fish that measure between centimetre increments shall be recorded at the lower of the two increments. For example, a fish that measures between 45 and 46 centimetres will have a recorded length of 45 centimetres.
15. How to submit catch
Catch reports must be submitted via the submit report button on the website at www.uklureseries.co.uk
16. Fishing times
Yearly competitions have no time restrictions in place.